GreenInfraStructures - CO2-optimised and resource-efficient white tanks, tunnel shells and structural components for civil engineering

Project: Research project

Project Details


The production of building materials and components made of structural concrete has a considerable impact on the environment, In particular, greenhouse gases such as CO are emitted. This mainly relates to cement and the carbon dioxide released during the carbon dioxide released during the production of reinforcing steel. Specifically for sulphate-prone concrete, as is the case in tunnel construction the case in tunnelling, sulphate-resistant and low-emission cements (CEM II/C with sulphate-resistant clinker) must be used. be used. In order to reduce the ecological footprint of civil engineering structures, concrete steps must therefore be taken. must be taken. This project is primarily concerned with the circular economy and sustainability of concrete as a building material with optimisation of the optimising constraining stresses and thus reducing the amount of reinforcement, using new types of reinforcement materials and innovative knitting and weaving processing of 3-dimensional reinforcement (e.g. for segments) and their practical realisation in construction.
Effective start/end date1/06/2431/05/27


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