I-GReta - Intelligent FIWare-Based Generic Energy Storage Services for Environmentally Responsible Communities and Cities

  • Schweiger, Gerald (Co-Investigator (CoI))

Project: Research project

Project Details


The goal of I-GReta is to develop solutions for planning and operation of highly flexible energy systems benefitting from storage capacities. I-GReta will connect 5 trial sites in 4 countries via a professional ICT platform benefitting from FIWARE components and thereby build a real-world digitalized and decentralized energy system. In recent years, studies and hands-on experience have concluded that the integration and participation of end-users are crucial for the energy transition. Occupants, owners and system operators as key need owners will participate and evaluate the operation of the respective systems in a Virtual Smart Grid which is based on the developed platform. A key use case will be the trading of storage capacities via the platform. The Austrian partners will contribute methodological expertise in the field of psychological and technical aspects of active user participation in smart energy systems with high shares of storages of different energy carriers. Furthermore, they provide mathematical and computational methods to enable large-scale modelling, simulation and optimization of cyber-physical systems. Prototypical developments will be tested and evaluated under laboratory conditions in the Austrian pilots.
Effective start/end date1/12/2030/11/23


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