IEA Task Annex 172 - Membrane processes in biorefineries

Project: Research project

Project Details


Biorefineries represent an essential hub for a future change from crude oil to bio-based industry. The use of biomass as a raw material for valuable materials, chemicals and energy sources requires efficient production processes. To achieve this goal, the IEA IETS Annex 17_2 is intended to further strengthen the know-how transfer between research and development in the field of energy and resource-efficient applications of membrane processes in biorefineries. The national task is embedded in the international efforts and is intended to strengthen the Austrian research landscape through network activities in the field of biorefineries. Task 17 is part of the Industrial Energy Technologies and Systems (IETS TCP) thematic focus with a focus on energy use in a wide range of industrial sectors that show significant potential for emissions and cost savings. The work program of the IETS TCP includes aspects of the development of processes and energy technologies up to total system analysis and energy efficiency in industrial sectors.
Effective start/end date1/01/2321/12/24


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