Isolationskoordination Simmering - Advisory services for planning in insulation coordination new building 380 kV switchgear UW Simmering

Project: Research project

Project Details


Consulting work centers on the preparation phase for the planning of the client and on the basis of the numerical calculations in the field of insulation coordination. Within the framework of the numerical calculations, the efforts of the overvoltage circuit and the type of cable outlets for the circuits specified in the invitation to tender are discussed.The numerical computations are carried out on a three-phase basis with switching stresses on the basis of the information and documents provided according to the prior art. In the calculations, the transient voltages are calculated and compared with the normative values with the help of a circuit diagram for simulating the 380 kV plant area, the 380 kV cable outlets.
Effective start/end date3/07/1730/11/17


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