Kennzahlen für Immobilienbest. - Creation of neutral variables and key data to be used for the performance examination of medium to large real estate portfolios

  • Merkel, Adrian (Co-Investigator (CoI))
  • Walder, Ulrich (Principal Investigator (PI))

    Project: Research project

    Project Details


    It is to be examined to what extent variables and key data can be used to rate the economic performance of a real estate. The examination is not to be based on comparative values of similar real estates, but should rather be based on impartial and absolute criteria. The development of a method that creates the data automatically as well as in real time is to be a major part of this work. The process information from within a facility management software is to be used as the main data source for the criteria. When examining the key data and variables, the monetary as well as the non-monetary factors are to be taken account of.
    Effective start/end date1/09/0531/08/08


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