LEDKom-F (FSO with LED's)

Project: Research project

Project Details


The project LEDKom-F investigates the usage of optical free space propagation (with Light Emitting Diodes as source) instead of conventional broadband transsmission systems like optical fibers or radio links. By using this special Light Emitting Diodes one has the advantage that there are no problems with Laser- and Eye Safety. In the first step we develop "Low-Cost-Systems" for a data rate of 10 MBit/s (up to 300 m). Additionally some ideas and their possible realisation for point-to multipoint are considered. At the moment there also exists a test application in point-to multipoint-configuration near the Inffeldgasse 12. The research Projekt LEDKom-F (FSO with LED's) is followed by the project LiFu-St (FSO-net Styria Mobile Networks in the last Mile). New concepts of FSO show an alternative to Wireless LAN for the Last Mile Access. Since 2010 co-operations with Brno University of Technology and Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik.
Effective start/end date1/03/0114/05/30


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