LumAConM - High-resolution, imaging measurement analysis for mineral building materials LumAConM

Project: Research project

Project Details


High-resolution Luminescent Analyses of Construction Materials The pH and chloride content of concrete-based construction materials are key parameter for the assessment of their stability and long-term performances, since major types of chemical degradation mechanisms such as carbonation, chloride induced steel corrosion, as well as leaching and acid attack are strongly associated with a change of the latter. The aim of this project is to explore luminescent analytical methods as an advanced technique for the measurements of pH and chloride on and in concrete-based materials in order to determine the state of repair of concrete constructions and to increase the understanding of ongoing corrosion processes. The main goals can be summarized as follows: - Target-oriented development of high-resolution imaging system for pH, chloride and potentially further relevant ions (e.g. potassium and calcium). - On-site application of the measurement method as a simple, fast and economical analytical tool for the state-of-repair of concrete infrastructure (e.g. miniaturized probes and/or sensor particles). - Improvement of the process understanding of important alteration processes in concrete and elaboration of recommendations for applications & material developments.
Effective start/end date1/02/2031/07/23


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