Machbarkeitskonzept zur g - Feasibility concept for the wide implementation of information systems on GIS basis in forest federations in Austria

    Project: Research project

    Project Details


    Within this project a concept for a GIS based spatial information system for forest planning in forest federations was developed. The background is Austrias small structured forest property and the connected problems. These problems are: the use of Harvesters for single forest owners is unprofitable due to the small size; there is partly no information about these small forests, as the forest owners are often not even interested in forestry. Additionally, the assessment by means of field work is expensive and therefore not carried out by the forest owners. To provide a service for small forest owners information about their forests have to be available. Therefore, a main task of the project was the extraction of necessary information by means of remote sensing techniques. The general requirements were to provide accurate information about the forest structure and terrain characteristics.
    Effective start/end date1/06/0331/05/04


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