Moving Picture Apparatus (Univ.-Ass. Dr.phil. Daniel Gethmann)

Project: Research project

Project Details


The research project on Moving Picture Apparatus focuses on the early history of moving picture media (18001890) and presents case studies on single apparatus, their genesis, the intended proofs of physiological knowledge and aesthetic effects. The development of these early moving picture media will be questioned regarding its network-like structure, combining various scientific experiments and inventions, which have changed and developed in direct contact with each other and also through their public presentation. The research project aims to analyse in particular the transitions from these apparatus in the broad context of physiological research in natural sciences and to new techniques of visual media, to their use in public presentations. Often, the aesthetic effect appeared first as an optical toy, before being honoured by its presentation in more elaborated contexts. The research project is set between the approach of general history of science, which analyses the changing concepts of seeing and its techniques and the research done in Media Studies, which analyses early moving picture media as a pre-history of film and motion picture techniques.
Effective start/end date1/03/0422/06/15


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