ORFEAS - Optical-Radar sensor Fusion for Environmental Applications

  • Kalliany, Rainer (Co-Investigator (CoI))
  • Bolter, Regine (Co-Investigator (CoI))

Project: Research project

Project Details


Exploiting data from cameras or scanners on satellites already is a well-established methodology. Compared, because of the much higher complexity of the imaging process, methods for processing data from imaging Radar sensors (SAR) are less far developed. The goal of this international project, with partners from Greece, Italy, Spain and Switzerland is to exchange experiences and algorithms to generate a new methodological approach by fusion of methods and information. The ICG's task within the group is developing methods for obtaining terrain information from SAR images by matching stereo-pairs taken from identical or - what is a very challenging task - also opposite viewing directions.
Effective start/end date1/01/9631/01/98


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