We cover the following two aspects of dynamic system's simulation in the course of this research activity:
1) Simulation of complex industrial systems
Within this research activity we develop high fidelity mathematical models for the simulation of industrial systems, such as thermal processes, semiconductor processes, cranes etc. These models are the basis for various improvements and optimizations, as well as for tutoring systems that are used to train operational personal.
2) Simulation of uncertain systems
The analysis of ill defined systems is difficult, if not impossible
to achieve with standard numerical simulation methods. A novel approach for this task, however, is pursued by research in qualitative simulation, a research branch of artificial intelligence. Qualitative simulation intends to replicate, in the computer, parts of human reasoning and performs the analysis based on a structural model of the ill defined system under investigation. In the course of this research activity, we apply qualitative simulation methods to control problems and extend the automated reasoning algorithms to incorporate powerful methods and theories of control and systems theory (e.g. Lyapunov theory). not assigned KP: Partner aus der Industrie