
Porous acoustic absorbers have excellent properties in the low-frequency range when positioned in room edges, therefore they are a common method for reducing low-frequency reverberation. However, standard room acoustic simulation methods such as ray tracing and mirror sources are invalid for low frequencies in general which is a consequence of using geometrical methods, yielding a lack of simulation tools for these so-called edge absorbers. In this article, a validated finite element simulation model is presented, which is able to predict the effect of an edge absorber on the acoustic field. With this model, the interaction mechanisms between room and absorber can be studied by high-resolved acoustic field visualizations in both room and absorber. The finite element model is validated against transfer function data computed from impulse response measurements in a reverberation chamber in style of ISO 354. The absorber made of Basotect is modeled using the Johnson-Champoux-Allard-Lafarge model, which is fitted to impedance tube measurements using the four-microphone transfer matrix method. It is shown that the finite element simulation model is able to predict the influence of different edge absorber configurations on the measured transfer functions to a high degree of accuracy. The evaluated third-octave band error exhibits deviations of 3.25dB to 4.11dB computed from third-octave band averaged spectra.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages20
Publication statusPublished - 16 Feb 2023


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