Active stabilization for optically synchronized optical parametric chirped pulse amplification

Alexander Schwarz*, Moritz Ueffing, Yunpei Deng, Xun Gu, Hanieh Fattahi, Thomas Metzger, Marcus Ossiander, Ferenc Krausz, Reinhard Kienberger

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The development of new high power laser sources tends toward optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA) in recent years. One of the difficulties in OPCPA is the the temporal overlap between pump and seed pulses. In this work we characterize our timing jitter on a single-shot basis using spectrally resolved cross-correlation in combination with a position sensitive detector. A commercial beam stabilization is adapted to actively enhance temporal overlap. This delay-stabilizer reduces the RMS jitter from σ = 127fs down to σ = 24fs. The enhanced temporal overlap is demonstrated in our frontend and we propose the scheme to be applicable in many optically synchronized high-repetition-rate OPCPA systems.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)5557-5565
    Number of pages9
    JournalOptics Express
    Issue number5
    Publication statusPublished - 27 Feb 2012

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics

    Fields of Expertise

    • Advanced Materials Science


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