Coordination polymers of azido and thiocyanato Cd(II) and Zn(II) complexes based on 2,6-luidine-N-oxide. Synthesis, characterization and luminescen properties

Franz-Andreas Mautner*, Christian Berger, R. C. Fischer, S. S. Massoud

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The synthesis and structural characterization of the complexes catena-[Cd(2,6-lutidine-N-oxide)(μ1,1-N3)(μ1,1,1-N3)] (1), catena-[Cd(μ2-2,6-lutidine-N-oxide)(μ1,3-NCS)2] (2), catena-[Zn(2,6-lutidine-N-oxide)(μ1,1-N3)2] (3) and [Zn(2,6-lutidine-N-oxide)2(NCS)2] (4) where 2,6-lutidine = 2,6-dimethylpyridine-N-oxide, are reported. Single crystal X-ray crystallography revealed the polymeric nature of complexes 1, 2, and 3 as a 1D double chains “ladder of defective cubane”, 2D with doubly μ(O,O) bridging of 2,6-lutidine-N-oxide and 1D, respective, and the monomeric nature of 4. The emission spectral properties of the complexes were investigated and fluorescence enhancement was observed for complexes 2–4.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)34 - 41
JournalInorganica Chimica Acta
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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