Creep strength and microstructural evolution of 9-12% Cr hear resistant steels during creep exposure at 600°C and 650°C

Francisca Mendez Martin, Clara Gabriela Panait, Walter Bendick, Mihaela Albu, Bernhard Sonderegger, Christof Sommitsch, Anne-Françoise Gourgues-Lorenzon, Jacques Besson, Arno Fuchsmann

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2010
EventLiège Conference on Materials for Advanced Power Engineering - Liège, Belgium
Duration: 27 Sept 201029 Sept 2010


ConferenceLiège Conference on Materials for Advanced Power Engineering

Treatment code (Nähere Zuordnung)

  • Basic - Fundamental (Grundlagenforschung)
  • Experimental
  • Materials Development

    Dikovits, M. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Sommitsch, C. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Caliskanoglu, O. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Schlacher, C. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Beal, C. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Djuric, D. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Vujic, S. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Pein, C. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Krumphals, F. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Kuduzovic, A. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Halici, D. (Co-Investigator (CoI))


    Project: Research area

  • FoE Advanced Materials Science

    Djuric, D. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Sommitsch, C. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Mayr, P. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Radis, R. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Mendez Martin, F. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Enzinger, N. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Kuduzovic, A. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Schlacher, C. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Vallant, R. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Sonderegger, B. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Pein, C. (Co-Investigator (CoI)), Krumphals, A. (Co-Investigator (CoI)) & Krumphals, F. (Co-Investigator (CoI))


    Project: Research area

  • Microstructure evolution of 12%Cr steels for tubes and pipes in power generation industry

    Mendez Martin, F. (Principal Investigator (PI))


    Project: Research project

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