+ERS - Plus Energy Network Reininghaus Süd: a pilot project towards an energy self-sufficient urban district

Heimo Staller, Ernst Rainer, Richard Heimrath, Christian Halmdienst, Martin Grabner

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


“+ERS – Plus Energy Network Reininghaus Süd” is an integrative part of the Building of Tomorrow researchflagship project “Energy City Graz-Reininghaus (ECR), which is an important part of the greater urbandevelopment framework of the City of Graz. The +ERS research project is carried out by AEE – Institutefor Sustainable Technologies (AEE INTEC) (scientific project management), “Aktiv Klimahaus Süd GmbH”(real estate developer), Nussmüller Architekten ZT GmbH, and the Institute of Urbanism (Graz Universityof Technology). A combination of energy efficiency measures, energy production on site and energyexchange between the buildings will establish a plus energy housing estate. This paper highlights themain technical measures and strategies required to achieve plus energy standard for the housing districtand discusses problems and hurdles of its actual realization.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)138-147
JournalEnergy and Buildings
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Plus energy
  • Plus energy city quarter
  • Energy efficient architecture
  • Smart city
  • heating and power supply network
  • cooling and heating

Fields of Expertise

  • Sustainable Systems

Treatment code (Nähere Zuordnung)

  • Application
  • Theoretical


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