Hybrid kinetic-MHD model of RMP inter- action with tokamak plasmas

Patrick Lainer, Markus Markl, Martin Heyn, Jonatan Schatzlmayr, Christopher G. Albert, Wolfgang Suttrop, Team ASDEX Upgrade, Tokamak Exploitation Team, Georg Sebastian Graßler (Editor)

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


In this report, we present a hybrid kinetic–MHD approach realized within the
code MEPHIT for the linear modelling of the interaction of resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs) with tokamak plasmas. The model uses an iterative approach where the solution of Ampère’s law in realistic device geometry is combined with the computation of plasma response currents to a given magnetic perturbation. The latter computation employs the ideal MHD model in most of the plasma volume, and a collisional kinetic model in the resonant layers centered around rational flux surfaces. Within a 1D kinetic model, a straight inhomogeneous plasma cylinder geometry is assumed, and the finite Larmor radius expansion of plasma response current and charge densities up to second order is employed. The hybrid kinetic–MHD model is applied to RMPs in ASDEX Upgrade experiments on edge-localized mode suppression and compared to the results of the ideal MHD code GPEC.
Original languageEnglish
JournalPlasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
Publication statusSubmitted - 15 Oct 2024


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