Integration eines Pulswellenkardiographen in ein Telemonitoringsystem

Translated title of the contribution: Integration of a pulsewave-cardiograph into a healthdata-managementsystem

Martin Steiner

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis


The goal of this work was to implement and connect the hard- and software of an existing pulsewave-cardiograph to a new system for the mobile application. Additional a connection to a telemedicine server was required to save the medical data and allow a tele-consultation. The introduction of the work gives an overview concerning pulsewave cardiography, a technique to analyze the brachial artery pulsewave. Furthermore the causes and the risks of high blood pressure and the alternative treatment using a pulswave cardiograph are mentioned in this section. The main part of the thesis outlines the choice of the hardware for the mobile application, the implementation of the existing software to the new system, the integration of an e-Card reader to obtain the relevant patient data and the transfer of the data from the measuring system to a database. Because of the availability and the different applications the connection to two different telemedicine servers was performed. For one system a server was installed, to save the data in the network of the company. Another important part of the thesis was to construct a prototype. It consists of the pulsewave cardiograph, a subnotebook, a power supply-unit and a modem. All parts of the system are integrated in a case filled with foam.
Translated title of the contribution Integration of a pulsewave-cardiograph into a healthdata-managementsystem
Original languageGerman
QualificationMaster of Science
Awarding Institution
  • Graz University of Technology (90000)
  • Merwa, Robert, Supervisor
Publication statusPublished - 2009


  • pulsewave cardiography
  • telemedicine
  • ipath
  • open source


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