Local vertical stresses in web plates of crane runway girders near transverse stiffeners

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperpeer-review


Crane runway girders in industrial buildings are typically subjected to high fatigue relevant stresses during crane operation. Due to the concentrated wheel load introduction via the crane wheels on the crane rails, high local vertical stresses occur on the upper edge of the web plate of the crane runway girder. These local stresses are decisive for the fatigue design of the welded connection between the web and the upper flange. Generally, transverse stiffeners are situated at regular distances to improve the buckling resistance and to limit rotation of the top flange due to eccentric introduction of the vertical wheel loads. The stiffeners are usually welded to the web plate and the top flange, in most cases with cut-outs near the web to flange junctions. These welds at the transverse stiffeners represent additional fatigue-relevant notch details. Design rules in prEN 1993-6 (1) give no clear information about the intensity of the local stresses at these notch details. Within this paper, a numerical parametric study is carried out to investigate the local dominating vertical stresses near transverse stiffeners. These stresses are compared to the vertical stresses on the upper edge of the web plate (at positions without transverse stiffeners). The latter can be calculated with formulae from prEN 1993-6 (1). Furthermore, the additional notch details in the region of the transverse stiffeners are classified with the nominal stress fatigue resistances in prEN 1993-1-9 (2). The fatigue verification of the additional notch details (with their actual stresses) in relation to the detail of the welded web-flange-connection allows an assessment of the additional notch details (relevant for fatigue design or not)
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationNordic Steel 2024
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2024
Event15th Nordic Steel Construction Conference: NSCC 2024 - Luleå, Sweden
Duration: 26 Jun 202428 Jun 2024


Conference15th Nordic Steel Construction Conference
Abbreviated titleNSCC 2024
Internet address

Fields of Expertise

  • Sustainable Systems


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