Measures to improve the transient behaviour of hydrogen ICE

Kevin Gschiel*, Sebastian Gerhard Roiser, Michael Schneider, Kevin Wilfling, Helmut Eichlseder

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


To address climate change challenges, CO2 savings in transportation
are crucial. Utilizing internal combustion engines as converters for
green hydrogen into mechanical energy is one potential solution. However,
hydrogen combustion produces nitrogen oxides (NOX) as a pollutant. Leanburn
combustion processes can minimize NOX emissions and improve efficiency
under steady-state conditions. Yet, optimizing operating strategies
for transient operations presents challenges in maintaining emissions performance.
Extensive experiments have been conducted to develop transient
operating strategies for lean-burn processes, building on prior knowledge
of hydrogen engine emissions. The interaction between dynamics and pollutant
emissions is challenging due to high boost pressures required for lean
air-fuel ratios. Two measures have been extensively examined to ensure
sufficient dynamics while meeting emission requirements. Our experimental
investigations have been conducted to develop a transient operating strategy
for lean-burn processes, building upon previous knowledge regarding
the emission characteristics of hydrogen engines. The interaction between
dynamics and pollutant emissions presents a challenge due to the high
boost pressures required for achieving lean air-fuel ratios. To ensure sufficient
dynamics while simultaneously meeting emission requirements, an
additional electric compressor and hydrogen post-injection were thoroughly
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 27 Sept 2023
Event27. Aufladetechnische Konferenz - Hilton Dresden, Dresden, Germany
Duration: 26 Sept 202327 Sept 2023


Conference27. Aufladetechnische Konferenz
Internet address

Fields of Expertise

  • Mobility & Production
  • Sustainable Systems


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