Method for controlling cleaning devices

Arnd Kessler (Inventor), Christian Nitsch (Inventor), Lars Zuechner (Inventor), Alexander Mueller (Inventor), Georg Wawer (Inventor), Clemens Arth (Inventor), Alexandra Vassileva (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A method includes acquiring position information and/or orientation information from at least two cleaning machines with the position information and/or the orientation information being indicative of a position and/or orientation of the at least two cleaning machines in an area to be cleaned and/or cared for, acquiring soiling information indicative of a location or area that is to be cleaned and/or cared for within the area to be cleaned or cared for, determining control information based at least partially on the acquired position information and/or orientation information and on the acquired soiling information, and outputting or triggering of an output of the control information thereby determined. A corresponding device and system are also disclosed.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS 2020/050215 A1
Priority date2/05/17
Publication statusPublished - 13 Feb 2020

Fields of Expertise

  • Information, Communication & Computing

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