Negative respiratory sinus arrhythmia (nRSA) in the MRI-scanner - a physiologic phenomenon observed during elevated anxiety in healthy persons

Beate Rassler*, Andreas Schwerdtfeger, Gerhard Schwarz, Gert Pfurtscheller

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Recently, we reported on a rare manifestation of respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), namely the “switched-off” RSA (Rassler et al., 2018), also called negative RSA (nRSA). It was found in a minority of healthy persons during elevated fMRI-related anxiety characterized by slow spontaneous breathing and synchronous slow beat-to-beat interval (RRI) oscillations. From 23 healthy scanner naïve participants of an fMRI study consisting of 4 resting states, we selected resting states with highest state anxiety (AS) from 10 participants (AS=24.6±2.5) and compared them to those with lowest AS of the same participants (AS=15.1±3.8, p<0.001). During elevated anxiety, the percentage of nRSA (nRSA%) was more than twice of RSA (p=0.045), while RSA prevailed during low anxiety. This indicates that nRSA might be related to elevated anxiety. Interestingly, nRSA was not only associated with slow RRI and breathing oscillations, but also occurred at “normal” breathing rates in the 0.20-0.35 Hz range. We often observed coupled RRI oscillations at 0.1 or 0.15 Hz and respiration at 0.3 Hz (rate ratio 1:3 or 1:2) with respiration-synchronous 0.3 Hz-wavelets in the RRI rhythm (termed “superposition”) indicating a reduced dominance of the respiratory rhythm over the RRI rhythm. This novel finding is supported by the work of Perlitz et al., (2004) on a “0.15 Hz rhythm” in brainstem. The concept behind such a 1:n ratio is a pacemaker-like rhythm in the brainstem that “drives” the cardiac RRI signal and secondarily also respiration as reflected in the 1:n rate ratio.

Original languageEnglish
Article number113676
JournalPhysiology & Behavior
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2022


  • 0.15-Hz rhythm
  • anxiety processing
  • central pacemaker
  • functional magnetic resonance imaging
  • heart rate variability
  • respiratory sinus arrhythmia

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Experimental and Cognitive Psychology
  • Behavioral Neuroscience


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