Numerically Exact Simulation of Photodoped Mott Insulators

Fabian Künzel, André Erpenbeck, Daniel Werner, Enrico Arrigoni, Emanuel Gull, Guy Cohen, Martin Eckstein

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A description of long-lived photodoped states in Mott insulators is challenging, as it needs to address exponentially separated timescales. We demonstrate how properties of such states can be computed using numerically exact steady state techniques, in particular, the quantum Monte Carlo algorithm, by using a time-local ansatz for the distribution function with separate Fermi functions for the electron and hole quasiparticles. The simulations show that the Mott gap remains robust to large photodoping, and the photodoped state has hole and electron quasiparticles with strongly renormalized properties.

Original languageEnglish
Article number176501
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number17
Publication statusPublished - 26 Apr 2024

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy

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