Optimization Approach to Handle Global CO2 Fleet Emission Standards

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


A worldwide decrease of legal limits for CO2 emissions and fuel
economy led to stronger efforts for achieving the required reductions.
The task is to evaluate technologies for CO2 reduction and to define a
combination of such measures to ensure the targets. The challenge
therefor is to find the optimal combination with respect to minimal
costs. Individual vehicles as well as the whole fleet have to be
considered in the cost analysis - which raises the complexity. Hereby,
the focus of this work is the consideration and improvement of a new
model series against the background of a fleet and the selection of
measures. The ratio between the costs and the effect of the measures
can be different for the each vehicle configuration. Also, the
determination of targets depends whether a fleet or an individual
vehicle is selected and has impact on the selection and optimization
process of those measures. Nevertheless, balancing the boundary
conditions and additional targets like driving performance is crucial.
The effect and the need for the integration of such interactions into
the optimization approach is demonstrated.
Using an integrated model-based approach, the presented research
aims to combine the complexity of a complete vehicle simulation
focusing on CO2 emissions and the challenge of optimizing the
emissions of a vehicle fleet including cost aspects. The optimization
algorithm has to handle the target requirements for the fleet as well as
for the individual vehicle in accordance with boundary conditions for
driving performance, target conflicts and interactions between the
selected measures.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 5 Apr 2016
EventSAE 2016 World Congress - Detroit, United States
Duration: 12 Apr 201614 Apr 2016


ConferenceSAE 2016 World Congress
Country/TerritoryUnited States

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Automotive Engineering
  • Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics

Fields of Expertise

  • Mobility & Production

Treatment code (Nähere Zuordnung)

  • Application

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