Policy analysis

Sonja Wogrin, I.C. González-Romero,, Diego A. Tejada-Arango, J.J. Valentín Vírseda, Tomas Gomez, Efraim Centeno

Research output: Other contribution


This task aims to analyze the effect of policy instruments on investment in RE technologies as well as transmission-capacity expansion. In section 1.1, we summarize the methodology, presented in Task2, to evaluate the policy implications of acknowledging the strategic behavior of GENCOs in the generation and transmission expansion planning. In section 1.2, we provide insights on the different effects of the most common types of policy instruments, and tackle the critical issue of long-term policy uncertainty and short-term RE uncertainty on transmission and generation expansion decisions, assuming a Spanish case study. In section 1.3 we extend this analysis, by addressing these complicated policy issues on a European level. Finally, in section 1.4, we present a theoretical framework and an illustrative case to assess the uncertainty in wind resources for bi-level model that anticipate the potential imperfect competition in the market.[…]
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2020

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