Reliable vehicle dynamics simulation in spite of uncertain input data

Wolfgang Hirschberg, Frantisek Palcak, Georg Rill, Jan Sotnik

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperpeer-review


The mission of this paper is to demonstrate the contribution of the tyre model TMeasy to reliable and accurate full-vehicle dynamic simulations, which are carried out in the MSC.Adams environment. Increasing demands in accuracy and reliability of vehicle dynamics simulations require refinements of the models, particularly of the tyre models. On the other hand, however, there is still a lack of reliable tyre input data, which does hardly correspond to the achieved level in tyre modelling. Remarkable deviations of the measured tyre data from the tyre’s capacities on a real roadway are caused by the testing procedure itself as well as by the testing conditions. As one pragmatic approach, lean semi-physical tyre modelling may help to overcome this shortcut, if the set of tyre model parameters is manageable and has got clear physical meaning. Simulations are increasingly supported by prototype measurements in the advanced stages of development. It is crucial for the simulation to react quickly to the engineering development steps. However, even is that phase not all of the necessary input data is complete and sufficient.
Based on a passenger car application, the procedure of parameter identification and estimation respectively is shown in the paper. The availability and sensitivity of the main parameters are qualitatively classified. Finally, the comparison of simulation results with measurements from testing manoeuvres allows it to rectify the chosen assumptions.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEAEC 2009 Europe in the Second Century of Auto Mobility (CD)
Place of PublicationBratislava
PublisherSlovak Society of Automotive Engineers Bratislava
Publication statusPublished - 2009
Event12th EAEC European Automotive Congress - Bratislava, Slovakia
Duration: 29 Jun 20091 Jul 2009


Conference12th EAEC European Automotive Congress

Treatment code (Nähere Zuordnung)

  • Application
  • Theoretical
  • Experimental


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