Structural anisotropy in equal-channel angular extruded nickel revealed by dilatometric study of excess volume

Jaromir Kotzurek, Wolfgang Sprengel, Maciej Krystian, Sanja Simic, Peter Pölt, Anton Hohenwarter, Reinhard Pippan, Roland Würschum

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Structural anisotropy and excess volume in ultra-finegrained high-purity nickel prepared by equal-channel angu-lar pressing (ECAP) is studied by means of dilatometry andcompared with the processing route of high-pressure tor-sion. Both routes exhibit qualitatively similar three-stagebehavior in length change upon defect annealing with acharacteristic dependence on the measuring direction re-lated to the deformation axes. Taking into account shapeanisotropy of the crystallites, the length change in variousdirections can be quantitatively analyzed yielding directaccess to the concentration of deformation-induced latticevacancies, the vacancy relaxation, and the grain boundaryexpansion. The routes A12 and BC12 of ECAP are com-pared.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)81-88
JournalInternational Journal of Materials Research
Publication statusPublished - 2017

Fields of Expertise

  • Advanced Materials Science


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