The LEGO Model: A Digital Twin of the Power System

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


The large-scale transformation of Europe’s power system is driven by climate change and accelerated even further by recent energy security issues. The necessary paradigm
shift in the energy sector will also have a massive impact on the power system: Electrification of other sectors, e.g. e-mobility or replacing traditional heating systems with heat-pumps, will increase electricity consumption. Largescale deployment of on-dispatchable and variable wind and solar generation makes grid operation more challenging. The Low-carbon Expansion Generation Optimization (LEGO) model is a
multi-purpose open-source tool to carry out numerous techno-economic analysis of the energy sector. With the LEGO model as a foundation, a digital twin of the Austrian power system was built to study the effects of the Renewable-Expansion-Act (EAG) or a investigate the consequences of a sudden gas-supply cut on Austria's electricity sector.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 21 Sept 2022
EventTU Graz - Science for Future 2022: Digitale Visionen - Graz, Austria
Duration: 21 Sept 202221 Sept 2022


WorkshopTU Graz - Science for Future 2022: Digitale Visionen


  • power flow
  • unit commitment
  • hydrogen
  • sector coupling

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