Ultrasonic: A GNU Octave/MatLAB script collection to analyse ultrasonic pulse reflection measurements

Research output: Non-print formSoftware


"Ultrasonic" was implemented to support the analysis of ultrasound measurement data for students and is used in the exercise "Application of NDT and monitoring methods [206.554]". It supports two essential aspects of the analysis of ultrasonic reflection measurements: (1) the determination of the speed of sound given a known distance and (2) the determination of the distance given a known speed of sound. The program code is designed for the data format of the ultrasonic pulse reflection measuring device "ACS Monolith-3D A1220C".
Translated title of the contributionUltrasonic: Eine GNU Octave/MatLAB Skriptsammlung für die Analyse von Ultraschall-Puls Refexionsmessungen
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputOnline
Size0.5 MB
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jan 2024


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