Urban Ropeways – An environmentally friendly alternative for Commuters?

Karl Hofer*, Lisa Stephanie Kollenz, Martin Fellendorf

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Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Moderate sized European cities often face the problem of daily traffic congestions on entrance roads due to the high number of commuters. This affects regional buses and lead to delays. An urban ropeway in combination with park and ride lots at the city border could be an attractive supplement in entrance cor-ridors without high performing public transit (PT) services and can lead to a modal shift to PT. Ropeways offer a high service rate that leads to no noticeable waiting times and no delays due to the usage of an independent track above ground level. In addition, the offered high capacities promise lower crowding levels than in regional buses. We conducted a stated choice experiment that in-cludes the transport modes car, regional bus and ropeway in Graz, a moderate sized city in Austria. The results of the estimated ML-model with the attributes walking, waiting and in-vehicle-time, interchanges, crowding, reliability and travel costs as well as the personal attitude about an urban ropeway showed that mode-specific properties of the ropeway and personal attitude have a significant influence on choice behavior. In addition, interchanges in a ropeway trip chain have a less negative influence than in chains with a regional bus.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 15 Apr 2024
EventTransport Research Arena 2024: TRA Dublin - Royal Dublin Society (RDS), Dublin, Ireland
Duration: 15 Apr 202418 Apr 2024


ConferenceTransport Research Arena 2024: TRA Dublin

Fields of Expertise

  • Sustainable Systems

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