Diskrete Optimierung

Projekt: Arbeitsgebiet



In discrete optimization (combinatorial optimization) one aims at selecting an optimal solution from a set of feasible solutions. The working group on combinatorial optimization at the TU Graz has paid particular attention to the following areas during the last years: (1) Investigation of efficiently solvable special cases of NP-hard optimization problems, e.g. of location problems, non-linear assignment problems, travelling salesman problems, scheduling problems and packing problems. (2) Investigation of complex real-world optimization problems, such as a combined location-transportation problem, production planning problems from chemical industry and cutting problems from paper industry. Apart from the topics mentioned above many other problem classes from combinatorial optimization have been investigated by the discrete optimization group during recent years. It is beyond the scope of this summary even to list all the investigated topics.
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende1/01/9531/12/24


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