FEMAG targets an energy generator BOX, closed, of small power, based on the integration of a fuel cell in the range of 0.125 to 1 kW with a battery pack and supercapacitors, for the flexible supply at variable power of small portable non automotive devices. Composed of all those companies manufacturing systems potentially suitable to be supplied by fuel cells, but of size and value lower than those presently requested for an ad hoc development of similar systems. The project is targeted at SMEs, and will produce also an advanced expert system for the design of complex generators based on FCs in the range of 0.125 to 1 kW. FEMAG proposes to develop a product which is based on Fuel Cells, but is combined with all the components required to make its application flexible, simple and able to satisfy not only the base power consumption, but also relative peaks of consumption of associated machines, within utilisation profiles prefixed at the design stage. There exists a clear and remarkable target market for such systems, composed of all those companies manufacturing systems potentially suitable to be supplied by fuel cells, but of size and value lower than those presently requested for an ad hoc development of similar systems. The approach proposed by FEMAG is very original and with impressive replication potential, since, further to the development of prototypes optimised by experimental design for the specific target applications of the project, it envisages the application of advanced mathematical methodologies in order to formalise and patrimonialise the knowledge generated by the project into an expert system for virtual design of integrated generators based on FCs
Status | Abgeschlossen |
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende | 1/12/04 → 31/03/07 |
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