GENTLE: GEneral Networked Teaching and Learning Environment

    Projekt: Forschungsprojekt



    By providing a powerful Web-based classroom environment GENTLE-WBT combines the benefits of distance learning with the advantages of 'learning together' in a traditional classroom. GENTLE addresses today's needs of corporations and universities to deliver cost-effective, easy-to-use training courses for employees and students - anytime and anywhere. GENTLE has already been tested by dozens of universities, a major bank in Germany, an automobile company, an international food company, and similar institutions. Using GENTLE, learning and training costs may be reduced and valuable information may be easily shared thus supporting a continuous learning process. Courseware creation and reuse is supported by the various so-called wizards, managers and tools that take over routine tasks and provide guidance for more sophisticated undertakings, using helpful user interfaces. Additionally, GENTLE can also be used as an administration system, managing trainees' records (exercise assignments, certificates, learning progress etc.), classes (who may or has to participate in a course etc.) and for keeping statistics on courses (quality, efficiency, acceptance, etc.). One of the strength of GENTLE-WBT is its flexibility concerning customizations, thus it can be easily implemented in different environments. With varying features, the system is designed to meet the users' needs and support the requirements of a learning process in an electronic wor...(this text has been cut automatically)
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