Investigations of Blood Glucose Control in Healthy Subjects, Patients, with Type I and Type II Diabetes

      Projekt: Forschungsprojekt



      The framework of the project included: 1) development of devices for continuous ex vivo glucose monitoring; 2) modelling and simulation studies, and 3) experimental studies on glucose metabolism. Two portable devices were developed and evaluated during standardized conditions: a continuous ambulatory blood sampler with a miniaturized thin-film glucose sensor in the sampling line and a subcutaneous tissue glucose monitoring device using open flow microperfusion and measurement of glucose and conductivity for the calculation of absolute subcutaneous glucose concentration. The latter device was designed for hypoglycemia detection and in combination with an insulin pump for closed-loop control of glucose using the subcutaneous route. Experimental studies were used to evaluate the devices whereas the numerical studies were performed to investigate various control approaches.
      Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende1/01/9131/12/93


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