MUSICWEB: Developing New Tools for Music Education, Using Wide-Area Networks and Hypermedia Technology

    Projekt: Forschungsprojekt



    Music Web CONNECT is a consortial project to develop the resources, technical infrastructure and demonstration applications to provide a well-structured learning environment of a diverse body of students of Music. The aim of this "proof-of-concept" project is to develop common network access to music-educational materials designed to facilitate their integration into a wide variety of music courses and independent-learning scenarios, and to unlock the specialist skills and resources available within individual institutions so that they can be exploited for the general educational benefit of the community at large. Common design, common modes of access and common management of materials provide valuable cross-fertilization while enabling the distinctive characteristics of the courses offered by individual institutions to be preserved.
    Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende1/11/9931/12/02


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