Telesupport in BCI Research

    Projekt: Forschungsprojekt



    EEG-based systems can be used to control a hand orthosis (Pfurtscheller 2000) or to operate a spelling device (Birbaumer 1999, Obermaier 2991). In both cases the patient has to solve a trianing which can last many weeks or even months. The goal of this training is to set up a subject specific classifier suitable to discriminate between 2 or more mentally induced brain stages and EEG pattern, respectively. For this training a highly qualified expert, familiar with the BCI system, has to be with the patient. With the telesupport is it possible that the expert is at a distant place (e.g. at the university lab) but linked by the help of ISDN or internet with the patient. By the way the expert can adjust the computer (BCI system), control the patients behavior and can communicate with a care keeper who is with the patient. At this time telesupport is established and tested with patients in the Rehabilitation Center tobelbad (A) in 4 sessions and in Bad Kreuznach (D) in 16 Sessions (one lasts about 2 hours).
    Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende1/08/0031/07/03


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