Assessing the quality of evidence in studies estimating prevalence of exposure to occupational risk factors: The QoE-SPEO approach applied in the systematic reviews from the WHO/ILO Joint Estimates of the Work-related burden of disease and Injury

Frank Pega, Natalie C Momen, Diana Gagliardi, Lisa A. Bero, Fabio Boccuni, Nicholas Chartres, Alexis Descatha, Angel Mario Dzhambov, Lode Godderis, Tom Loney, Daniele Mandrioli, Alberto Modenese, Henk F van der Molen, Rebecca L Morgan, Subas Neupane, Daniela Pachito, Marilia S Paulo, K.C. Prakash, Paul T.J. Scheepers, Liliane R. TeixeiraThomas Tenkate, Tracey J Woodruff, Susan L Norris

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Economics, Econometrics and Finance
