Dataset CYLinCF-01 creation pipeline: Circular cylinder in a cross flow, Mach Number 0.03 and Reynolds Number 200

Publikation: ArbeitspapierPreprint


This article presents an aeroacoustic workflow (pipeline) to generate a flow and acoustic dataset for studying flow-induced sound in the context of a cylinder in cross flow. The numerical simulations are performed using OpenFOAM for the flow and openCFS for acoustics using the perturbed convective wave equation (PCWE). The workflow involves several steps, including the flow simulation, the acoustic simulation, and post-processing of the results. The simulation workflow is presented in all its details. The analysis focuses on the acoustic characteristics of the flow, including sound pressure levels, frequency spectra, and directivity patterns. The results show good agreement with the literature. The article concludes by discussing applications of the workflow for different cases that involve flow-induced sound generation.
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 9 März 2023


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