Die extrakorporale künstliche Betazelle mit subkutanen Zugängen

Helga Christina Schaller

    Publikation: StudienabschlussarbeitDissertation


    The extracorporeal artificial beta cell with subcutaneous access should automate the so far manually performed glucose control in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. In this thesis three studies for the development of the artificial beta cell were carried out. In the first study a calibration technique for continuous subcutaneous ex vivo glucose monitoring, the so called ionic reference technique, was tested. Quality of glucose monitoring improved significantly during non-steady-state exchange conditions between tissue and catheters. In the second study, performed in type 1 diabetic patients under fasting conditions, glucose concentration was controlled automatically. For insulin dosage calculation the model predictive (MPC) control algorithm was used and evaluated successfully. This was done for the first time for automated glucose control using subcutaneous access. In the third study automated glucose control and manual glucose control were compared in a randomised cross over study in patients with type 1 diabetes. It was observed, that the frequency of hypoglycaemia tends to be lower with the automated control, and postprandial glucose is better under control with the manual therapy. Apart from these findings, quality of glucose control was comparable. In conclusion, the application of the knowledge and experience gained in this thesis brings the artificial beta cell closer to its realisation.
    Titel in ÜbersetzungThe extracorporeal artificial beta cell with subcutaneous access
    QualifikationDoktor der Technik
    Gradverleihende Hochschule
    • Technische Universität Graz (90000)
    Betreuer/-in / Berater/-in
    • Wach, Paul, Betreuer
    • Pieber, Thomas R., Betreuer, Externe Person
    PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 6 Juli 2005


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