Eukaryotic Expression Systems for Industrial Enzymes

Lukas Rieder, Nico Teuschler, Katharina Ebner, Anton Glieder

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandBeitrag in Buch/Bericht


Since the introduction of the first biotechnological processes, the demand for product quantity and quality was steadily increasing. While many protein production processes for valuable speciality enzymes and valuable biocatalysts are carried out with bacterial expression hosts, this chapter focuses on yeasts and fungi as alternatives for the production of low cost enzymes and enzymes where successful expression relies on eukaryotic host cell machineries. One focus is on molecular biological tools such as promoter engineering and strain evolution. However, in spite of many useful individual methods that were applied to individual products, in general, successful implementations of modern expression strategies rely on optimized combinations of complementary technologies as outlined in this chapter.
TitelIndustrial Enzyme Applications
Redakteure/-innenA. Vogel, O. May
Herausgeber (Verlag)Wiley-VCH
ISBN (elektronisch)9783527813780
ISBN (Print)9783527343850
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 19 Juli 2019


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