Future Directions in Mobile Government

Publikation: Beitrag in einer FachzeitschriftArtikel


Powered by the rise and growing popularity of mobile computing and mobile communication technologies, mobile government (m-government) has recently evolved as relevant sub-discipline of e-government. Mobile government offers new opportunities, as it employs capabilities of modern mobile
end-user devices such as smartphones or tablet computers. At the same time, dynamic markets and vast technological advances raise various challenges for developers, operators, and providers of m-government solutions. To still make m-government solutions a sustained success, upcoming trends in
m-government and mobile computing need to be recognized in time. This article facilitates an early recognition of future trends in m-government by surveying the current state of the art and by analyzing deployed m-government solutions from all over the world. From the findings of the conducted analysis, several actions are proposed that need to be taken to assure the future success of m-government. In
particular, proposed actions target a transition of m-government applications from purely informational services towards fully transactional solutions. This way, the actions proposed in this article represent a roadmap to further develop m-government to an emancipated alternative to classical e-government
Seiten (von - bis)17-33
FachzeitschriftIADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2015

Fields of Expertise

  • Information, Communication & Computing

Treatment code (Nähere Zuordnung)

  • Application


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