Heterogeneous lithium diffusion in nanocrystalline Li2O: Al2O3 composites

Martin Wilkening, Sylvio Indris, Paul Heitjans*

*Korrespondierende/r Autor/-in für diese Arbeit

Publikation: Beitrag in einer FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


Li diffusion in the nanocrystalline composite system (1 - x)Li2O:xAl2O3 was studied by NMR measurements. Heterogeneous, biexponential 7Li NMR relaxation is found and two Li species with different dynamic behaviour can be discriminated via their individual spin-spin and spin-lattice relaxation times. The heterogeneous dynamics of the two Li species which also shows up in the 7Li NMR spectra reflects the heterogeneous structure of the nanocrystalline composites consisting of crystalline grains and a high volume fraction of interracial regions. The number fraction of fast Li ions located in the interfacial regions increases with temperature and insulator content x. Accordingly biexponential relaxation becomes more pronounced. From the temperature dependence of the two spin-lattice relaxation rates activation energies of about 0.3 eV for both the fast and the slow Li species are obtained, independent of the composition of the composites.

Seiten (von - bis)2225-2231
FachzeitschriftPhysical Chemistry, Chemical Physics
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 Juni 2003
Extern publiziertJa

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Allgemeine Physik und Astronomie
  • Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie


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