Lifecycle Management of IoT Devices Via Digital Identities Management and Distributed Ledgers Solutions

Konstantinos Loupos*, Sokratis Vavilis, Harris Niavis, Fotis Michalopoulos, Konstantinos Dafloukas, Antonio Skarmeta, Jesús García, Angel Palomares, Hui Song, Rustem Dautov, Rosella Mancilla, Francesca Costantino, Dimitri Van Landuyt, Sam Michiels, Stefan More, Christos Xenakis, Konstantinos Krilakis

*Korrespondierende/r Autor/-in für diese Arbeit

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandBeitrag in einem KonferenzbandBegutachtung


This publication includes the ERATOSTHENES project outcomes on devising a novel distributed, automated, auditable, yet privacy-respectful, Trust and Identity Management Framework intended to dynamically and holistically manage the lifecycle of IoT devices, strengthening trust, identities, and resilience in the entire IoT ecosystem, supporting the enforcement of the NIS directive, GDPR and the Cybersecurity Act.

The publication includes an analysis of the architecture and outcomes of the following research innovations: (a) Cybersecurity features in IoT devices through deployment of Trust Agents and continuous trust evaluation within the network in a contextual and social approach; (b) a decentralised identity management mechanisms to conciliate requirements of self-sovereignty and privacy preservation in a distributed/transparent trust model along with disposable identities; (c) self-encryption/decryption at device-level with a whole system automated recovery process after an attack based on a multi-layer recovery model; (d) threat analysis models based on federated learning and edge execution to continuously monitor devices and detect attacks; (e) collaborative IoT threat intelligence sharing across ledgers to adapt detection/defense mechanism to the evolving security conditions and assist the IoT life-cycle; (f) integration of Physical Unclonable Functions in trust framework and distributed ledgers.
TitelEmbedded World Conference 2024
ErscheinungsortNuremberg, Germany
PublikationsstatusAngenommen/In Druck - 11 Apr. 2024
VeranstaltungEmbedded World 2024 - Nürnberg, Deutschland
Dauer: 9 Apr. 202411 Apr. 2024


KonferenzEmbedded World 2024


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