Mechanistic Insights into the Chaperoning of Human Lysosomal-Galactosidase Activity: Highly Functionalized Aminocyclopentanes and C-5a-Substituted Derivatives of 4-epi-Isofagomine

Patrick Weber, Martin Simon Thonhofer, Summer Averill, Gideon J. Davies, Andres Gonzalez Santana, Philipp Müller, Seyed A. Nasseri, Wendy A. Offen, Bettina M. Pabst, Eduard Paschke, Michael Schalli, Ana Torvisco Gomez, Marion Tschernutter, Christina Tysoe, Werner Windischhofer, Stephen G Withers, Andreas Wolfsgruber, Tanja Maria Wrodnigg, Arnold Stütz*

*Korrespondierende/r Autor/-in für diese Arbeit

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Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science