5G-Libra - Balance between mobility demand and public transport services

Project: Research project

Project Details


In the 5G-Libra project, the overall mobility in the operating area of a transport company is analyzed on the basis of anonymized mobile phone data. It is expected that with a leap from 4G to 5G technology the location accuracy and the frequency of events will become significantly more precise. An investigation into the new capabilities of 5G technology are an integral part of this project. By switching to 5G, there is an unproven assumption of being able to analyze previously undetectable regional bus trips. A prototype analysis tool will be developed to analyze the supply and travel demand of public transportation outside of urban areas in relation to overall mobility. Possible applications of the analyses are potential studies as changes in supply of public transport will result in travel demand adaption.
Effective start/end date1/05/2331/07/24


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