A1T1 - LEC - Study on the quality of gaseous fuels and consequences for gas engine technologies

  • Zelenka, Jan (Co-Investigator (CoI))
  • Wimmer, Andreas (Co-Investigator (CoI))

Project: Research project

Project Details


Large amounts of liquefied natural gas are transported overseas by tankers. After it is regasified, the gas has to comply with national specifications before it is admixed to the pipeline network. However, if LNG is transported to other distribution systems (such as hubs), blending will not take place. A greater variety in quality is not to be expected for decentralized stationary and off-road applications. The following topics are to be investigated: - Investigate performance potentials and effects of LNG on engine applications - Research on the origins of LNG - Categorization of compositions - Determination of range in composition according to regulations at different regasification hubs - Create scenarios of future LNG usage and LNG compositions - Write a report on the workpackage Using simulation tools, the influence of different gas compositions on the combustion process will be evaluated. Thereby, a detailed understanding of the basic influences of different gas compositions on engine performance shall be established. Furthermore, the environmental impact of using different gas compositions shall be evaluated.
Effective start/end date1/04/1531/12/16


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