Development of a computer aided process data evaluation software for biomass combustion plants and biomass CHP plants as well as of a new process control concept for biomass combustion plants

Project: Research project

Project Details


To give the operators of biomass combustion plants, biomass district heating plants and biomass CHP plants more efficient possibilities to optimise the operation of their plants, a fully automatic computer aided process data evaluation software is developed. This software is based on already existing, in biomass combustion plants usually applied, process control and data recording systems. The data stored by these systems should be forwarded to a tool, which evaluates the different process parameters, calculates relevant parameters and additionally performs mass and energy balances of the plant in order to determine the efficiencies of the energy production. Furthermore, reports covering defined periods (day, week, month, year) should be automatically generated by the evaluation package. The second main aim of the project is the development of a new process control strategy for biomass combustion units based on fuzzy logic.
Effective start/end date1/04/0331/03/05


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