Dynamics and Function of Bacterial Biofilms in Waste Water Purification

Project: Research area

Project Details


Biofilms are microbial cultures on solid surfaces. They are formed by a natural attachment and growth on these surfaces. They have importance in waste water technology as carrier-fixed biocenoses, which are responsible for the elimination of contaminants. The formation of a exopoymeric matrix (EPS) is an important structural factor of biofilms. In this research activity we examine the role of EPS in the accumulation of metabolites. The function of EPS as a structural part of bacterial mixed-culture biofilms is investigated with growth experiments on gels. A new process based on the separate treatment of a liquid and a solid fraction has been developed together with Komptech GmbH. The anaerobic fermentation of the liquid fraction was studied using various types of bio-reactors including a combined 500l-stir d tank / anaerobic filter system. Together with Envirocare GmbH simple methods for the characterization of garbage by the amount of biogas produced are developed.
Effective start/end date1/01/9631/12/02


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