eco2jet - Evaluation and demonstration of an energy-efficient, cost-efficient and eco-friendly HVAC system

Project: Research project

Project Details


The transport sector is responsible for about a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions in the EU, from which around almost ¾ of the road, making it the second largest emitter of greenhouse gases after the energy sector. Since the railway sector can offer considerable advantages for the reduction here, there is a clear political objective on Austrian and European level towards a sustainable modal shift from the road to rail, not least in passenger transport. However, this shift requires solutions that improve the attractiveness of rail and increase the acceptance by the user accordingly. This means the development and use of innovations and technologies supporting the image of railways as a being a "green, sustainable" mode of transport towards this direction. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are, as in the rest of the transport sector, in the rail sector a major energy consumer and producer of greenhouse gas emissions. These emissions do not only result from escaping refrigerant due to a leak or improper maintenance, but are mainly due to indirect CO2 emissions caused by the operation of air conditioning because of the required electrical and mechanical energy. Typical HVAC systems account for up to 30% of total energy consumption of the passenger transport by rail and are thus the largest energy consumer after the traction system. Energy use of a long-distance train can thus rise up to 100 MWh / year. The primary objective of HVAC systems - and thus one of the main objectives in every HVAC development - is to meet the comfort criteria of passengers in a wide operating range (including hygienic requirements). In addition, the reduction of capital as well as operating and maintenance costs for operators by at least 25%, compliance with relevant standards and low environmental impact are important.
Effective start/end date1/11/1728/02/22


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