According to the roadmap of the European Union for a „low-carbon-economy “, 80 to 95 % of current greenhouse gas emissions should be cut down by 2050. To reach this objective, it will be inevitable to subject the whole energy system to extensive modification, involving a significant reduction in energy consumption through changes in demand patterns as well as employment of efficient technologies. In parallel, the potential of renewable energy resources must be made accessible without putting the security of supply at risk.
Against this background the proposer considers finding an established, methodical approach for the simulation and assessment of a sustainable energy system in Austria to be the most challenging task in defining a long-term implementing agreement for operating agencies of infrastructure and decision makers.
The intended Research Studio Austria allows for the growing importance of holistic energy system analysis in systems with a high share of volatile, renewable energy sources. Within the applied research activities a method for detailed evaluation of energy systems ("hybrid networks") along the process and value creation chain including generation, distribution, storage and consumption is to be developed. The main focus of this Research Studio Austria is to model interactions between different energy conversation systems, energy networks (power, gas, cold and heat), storage and (flexible) consumers and to identify potential synergetic effects. Two essential objectives in this Research Studio are the increase of energy efficiency as well as a significant rise in the share of renewable energy resources. Furthermore, interfaces to other sectors such as water supply, industrial waste heat and other energetic (re)useable material flows (waste, sewerage) are issues to be worked on in the method development.
Within the consortium established knowledge in fundamental research is available. This knowledge is systematically processed and transferred to a suitable simulation platform "EnergySimCity" (designing, programming, testing and validating). During the term of the Studio the developed simulation platform is applied in the course of contract research and is continuously extended, validated and optimized.
The planned Research Studio Austria is intending to offer a platform for contract research in the area of holistic, domain-crossing energy system analysis, engaged by infrastructure operating and energy supply companies as well as institutions for urban and regional planning with the Studio-responsibles acting as a service provider.